03 June 2009

Crack Bust!

Summertime and looking for something fun to do in Rexburg? Look no further than baking flour and mini marshmallows. That's right. Crack Bust is the name of the game. What you do is buy a few pounds of baking flour, cheap non-zipping plastic baggies, mini colored marshmallows and some pcp pipe. Fill the baggies with the baking flour creating flour bombs. Then you go to the local hardware shore and buy some pcp pipe that the colored mini marshmallows can fit into. If you ask the the hardware store they will cut the pipe into 12 inch segments for you. Now you can a marshmallow spitter.Once everything is all set up you head to a park. Porter park is a good one if you can. Then at the count of 3..2..1.. the group of people start throwing flour bombs and spitting marshmallows at each other. It's sounds crazy! but it's a lot of fun!

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